Monday, April 8, 2013

Interhouse Competition

Since I really do not have much to say since the last post.  I have posted some small statuses and pictures on Facebook, so I thought I would just dump pictures on this post for your enjoyment, and to archive them.

We had interhouse competition, splitting the school into four "houses" with their own team names and colors.  Mine was green, and my team won.  We will have dinner in term 2, with meat! Having meat in dinner seem to be a big thing.  Its amazing to watch kids get their awards for each events they won -- using chopped bars of soap and toilet paper!

There some other pictures not related to the interhouse competition, but I wanted to post them anyway.

The two pictures of kids cramped in the dining hall... I hooked up the small wall-mounted TV with my Macbook and showed The Incredibles movie.  They loved it even when its so tiny when sitting from afar back.

Notice the computer lab, how kids line up to enter, and how cramped up they are in the lab, even sharing seats.

Last picture is a rare group picture of all 120 volunteers currently in Kenya along with the Kenyan Peace Corps staff.  It was taken in Lukenya during our consolidation d

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