Sunday, January 20, 2013


When you see the picture above, seeing me with machetes, you (at least I would), probably feel terrified.  We Americans are not used to see anyone with such a large "weapon".  We often see those knives in movies, news, or newspapers where people kill or terrorize one other. Or maybe you think I am in some kind of secret fraternity.

But in Kenya, and I am sure for other countries like Kenya, these machetes are their way of life.  I have seen people of all sexes, almost all ages, and in almost all places carry or use these machetes.

  • Three year old toddlers chopping down some tall grass.
  • Old grannies cutting down their harvest.
  • Students cutting down weeds and grass.
  • Guys cutting down banana trees and bananas.
  • Grounds guy trimming bushes.
  • Grounds lady digging out overgrowth around bases of trees.

I always see village folk walking up and down the dirt roads or trails carrying machetes looking normal.  I always, in my own imagination, they decided they hate Mzungu and want to chop me.

Fortunately for the past four months, I have not yet had a scratch from a machete.


  1. Just think, when you return to USA you will be walking around wielding those like a pro! You will be just like Crocodile Dundee! And be able to shave,or trim nails with those things. I look forward to you posts. Vince's mom

    1. Sally, I think I will scare off too many people in the USA, and be thrown in a jail. The Maasai Tribe here wear/carry thinner knives on their hips at all times, so it is weird feeling walking by them -- almost like looking at someone carrying a hip gun especially when s/he is not a policeman.
